Nourishing Faith at Home

Creative ideas for seeking God individually, as a family or within a shared household

By Ruth Garvey-Williams

(From the April - June 2020 issue of VOX


Experiencing “social distancing” or isolation can be a distressing time for many who find comfort and solace in their faith community. Here are some creative ideas that can help you individually, as a family or with housemates both now and in the future!

Write a letter to God

Writing a letter is a great way of pouring out your thoughts and emotions to God. It can help you focus and enable you to express what’s on your heart, especially if you are struggling with anxiety or racing thoughts (something that is very normal for all of us when we experience stressful circumstances).

Watch a service or message online (live or recorded)

Many churches live-stream their services or are releasing a video message of some kind. Some provide online devotionals materials. If you do not have access to Internet, many churches have audio recordings of messages. This may be something churches can do for people who are housebound and who do not have a computer or smartphone.

Memorise Scripture

Find encouragement throughout the day by writing Bible verses on pieces of paper and sticking them up where you can see them regularly (on the fridge, on the bathroom mirror or close to your favourite chair). Take a moment to read the verse each time you see it and begin to memorise it!

Learn new ways to pray

We are all asked to wash our hands more frequently. Saying the Lord’s Prayer or reciting Psalm 23 while you do this helps us to wash thoroughly but also to connect with Jesus at the same time! List all the things you are thankful for on a piece of paper. Or hold tightly a stone to symbolise things that are worrying you and bring them to God in prayer as you lay it aside. If you have access to the internet, head to to see more ideas.

Write a Psalm

The Psalmists wrote poems and songs to pour out their hearts to God. There are psalms of praise and lament, of anger and joy, of thanksgiving and frustration. Whatever you are feeling right now, why not write it down. Look at Psalm 13 as an example. If you are doing this together, you could each write one line or one verse and put it together or you could write individually and read out your psalms to each other.

Play Worship Music

Even when we cannot gather together for public acts of worship, it is wonderful to take time out to focus on God and to worship Him. Playing worship music (and singing along if you are able) can lift your spirits and help you to refocus your mind. It can be soothing when you feel anxious or agitated and it can help to change the atmosphere in your home. In Bible times, worship even defeated powerful enemies! (See 2 Chronicles 20: 20 - 22).

Read a chapter or short passage each day

Sometimes we can find it difficult to read the Bible regularly. Why not challenge yourself to read one chapter or even a shorter passage each day? Or read together with other members of your household. It is a good idea to start with a short book (e.g. Mark’s Gospel). There are also audio versions of the Bible available if you find reading a struggle.

Start a Journal

Why not keep a journal in which you can record prayers or note down Bible verses as you read the scriptures? Some people enjoy drawing or writing poetry to express their worship to God. You can note down answers to prayer to encourage you as you continue. In days gone by, the monks used illuminated letters to illustrate the Book of Kells. Today some people enjoy “illustrating” a Bible verse and as they do so, slowing down and pondering what it means. You can do this individually but also as a family or group!


Wrestling with my thoughts


“I was a stranger...”